Content & Personal Property Appraisals

What is a Personal Property/Machinery & Equipment Appraisal?

This type of valuation includes personal property as well as machinery and equipment. Personal property, machinery and equipment values can be affected by both external and internal conditions. Certain assets may increase in value at the same time others decrease. Also various assets depreciate at different rates and can affect values quicker than other assets. Without an accurate up-to-date appraisal it is impossible for the business owner to be aware of the current value of the personal property and equipment. The experience of our staff spans the full range of valuation services: commercial, industrial, municipal and residential. These qualifications position Sedgwick | Valuation Services Division to be capable of accepting all assignments from the very basic to the very complex.

Why obtain a Personal Property/Machinery & Equipment Appraisal?

Most property owners, managers, boards and/or insurance agents do not have the time nor the expertise to accurately keep up with the changes in value of the contents, property, machinery or equipment located at the property. They recognize that the most accurate method of obtaining these values in an up-to-date manner is by obtaining a Sedgwick | Valuation Services Division Content and Personal Property Appraisal. Their reasons for choosing Sedgwick | Valuation Services Division for their appraisal are simple:

  • Sedgwick | Valuation Services Division has the professional ability to prepare and provide you with a valuation and an inventory of all your property.
  • Each appraisal can be tailored to your needs by providing replacement cost, depreciated replacement value, market value and liquidation value, depending on the needs of each individual client.
  • Obtaining an accurate up-to-date contents and personal property appraisal assists you in determining the correct amount of insurance needed to cover the value of the property.
  • Obtaining an insurance appraisal prevents under-insuring, which puts the property at risk for not having adequate funds to replace in the event of a catastrophic loss, or over-insuring, which results in paying extra insurance premiums.
  • A Sedgwick | Valuation Services Division's appraisal provides a third party, unbiased valuation of the property's assets.
  • Having an up-to-date contents and personal property appraisal provides necessary documentation to expedite a claim in the event of a loss.
  • All digital photographs taken at the time of the physical inspection are electronically archived for the clients use in the event of a loss.
  • Having an up-to-date insurance appraisal provides accurate values for coverage, eliminating the possibility of a co-insurance penalty in the event of a loss.

What does a Sedgwick | Valuation Services Division Property/Machinery & Equipment Appraisal contain?

Each content, personal property, machinery and equipment appraisal report provides the following detail:

  • Transmittal letter, summarizing our findings
  • Summary of values by location
  • Explanation of values
  • Any items excluded from the report
  • A detailed description and value of each appraised asset

Who can benefit from a Sedgwick | Valuation Services Division Property/Machinery & Equipment Appraisal?

Sedgwick | Valuation Services Division appraisers are available to appraise but not limited to value:

  • Metalworking machinery
  • Food processing equipment
  • Restaurant furniture & equipment
  • Office furniture & equipment
  • Hospital furniture & equipment
  • Industrial machinery & equipment
  • Water & wastewater treatment facilities
  • Specialized industrial plants
  • Church furniture & contents
  • Hospitality and casino contents
  • Municipality furniture & contents
  • Chemical plants and related equipment


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